Dinosaur Foam Play Mats | Create a simple small playmat for your child’s playroom- D161

Dinosaur Foam Play Mats | Create a simple small playmat for your child’s playroom- D161

SoftTiles Dinosaur Kids Foam Mats for Playrooms

SoftTiles is perfect for creating play areas of any size. The SoftTiles mats are 2 ft. x 2 ft. square and simply interlock together so they can be connected to fit in as large or small of a space as you want. This dinosaur play mat can also be easily trimmed to fit odd-shaped spaces.

As you see, a simple color combination of die-cut dinosaurs can create quite a fun play area, and a small play mat that can be easily expanded as the child grows.

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Our designers can create a design for you at no extra charge! Let us know the shapes, colors, size of the mat, and any names and we will create a design and email it to you. No obligation!


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